Benjamin Adekunle Shooting at Everything

"I want see no Red Cross, no caritas, no World Council of Churches, no pope, no missionaey and no United Nations delegation. I want to prevent even one Igbo from having even one piece to eat before their capitulation. We shoot at everything that moves and when our troops march into the center of Igbo territory, we shoot at everything even at things that don't move"
-----Benjamin Adekunle
If the above comment is not bigotry and hatred, what else is?
My mother is from Rivers state and my father is from ogbomosho and my paternal grandmother is a northerners. I am a true nigerian.
If you have nothing to say about the FUTURE of nigeria, you really should stay quiet. We do not need to revisit this war in this way, unless you want to fight it again. You will certainly loose it again